Glenbuck and Douglas Valley FA

Glenbuck and Douglas Valley FA

Glenbuck and Douglas Valley FA are a community based grassroots football club in Douglas, South Lanarkshire.

Formed in 2012, and taking our name from the Famous Glenbuck CherryPickers just down the road in the former mining village of Glenbuck, our home village of Douglas and it’s surrounding area.

The club focus on developing kids from 4yrs+ in a fun and exciting environment. We have dedicated coaches, a great backroom team working hard to improve the club, the kids and the set up.

We have also set up a walking football group for the adults in the area, a way back into fitness, social groups and a helping hand back into the game

We currently run –
2008’s 11-aside
2012’s 7-aside
2014’s 5-aside
2011 Girls
2012/13’s Girls
Girls only training
Minikickers ( 2016 )
Walking football ( 18+ )

Glenbuck and Douglas Valley FA club has a number of teams which play in the

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