Magic KICKS FM Cup

Take part in the Magic KICKS FM Cup 2022 held at Springwest Academy, Feltham, TW13 7EF – SATURDAY – 18th of June.

Entry Fee £50 per team

Format: The Tournament is open to teams from Under 6 to Under 15.

• Under-6 – Under-9 will play 5-a-side matches with a maximum squad size of 10.
• Under- 10 – Under-17 will play 7-a-side matches with a maximum squad size of 12.

Applications will be processed on a “first come, first served” basis.
Pay by Bacs to Magic Football Academy Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-42-73 Account 23403270 using your team name & age as reference.

We really hope to be able to welcome you and your team(s) in June.

Magic Kicks FM Cup 2022

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone at your club / academy who you feel would enjoy the experience as much as those attending did last time.

Feedback was incredibly positive with teams asking us to save them a place in advance of this year’s dates being released. So, to avoid disappointment, please let us know at your very earliest convenience.

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