Take part in the Magic KICKS FM Cup 2022 held at Springwest Academy, Feltham, TW13 7EF – SATURDAY – 18th of June.
Entry Fee £50 per team
Format: The Tournament is open to teams from Under 6 to Under 15.
• Under-6 – Under-9 will play 5-a-side matches with a maximum squad size of 10.
• Under- 10 – Under-17 will play 7-a-side matches with a maximum squad size of 12.
Applications will be processed on a “first come, first served” basis.
Pay by Bacs to Magic Football Academy Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-42-73 Account 23403270 using your team name & age as reference.
We really hope to be able to welcome you and your team(s) in June.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone at your club / academy who you feel would enjoy the experience as much as those attending did last time.
Feedback was incredibly positive with teams asking us to save them a place in advance of this year’s dates being released. So, to avoid disappointment, please let us know at your very earliest convenience.